Episode 262. Spirit-Led Stick-to-itiveness with Emilee Kurt

Rebecca is joined by Emilee Kurt in this episode to talk all about Chapter 3 of Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl!

Emilee is a graphic designer by day, podcast host by night, and is 24/7 obsessed with the children of God living actually abundant lives. She likes to demystify what this looks like everyday on Instagram, through 1:1 discipleship in her local context, and with every writing tool at her disposal! Emilee and her husband, Zach, met at camp as kids. They love hosting game nights, sleeping in on Saturday, and hanging out with their dog, Usher. What keeps Emilee up at night is the health of the bride of Christ, the espresso she had too late in the afternoon, and that awkward thing she said 5 years ago.
She knows what it’s like to try to walk the narrow path in your own strength, and as a licensed Go + Tell Gal coach she is on mission to see every disciple living from the heart of Christ, with truth and belly laughter; with rhythms and freedom; with grace and dust at their feet.

Rebecca and Emilee discuss:

  • How we partner with God in our work

  • How does Nehemiah's stick-to-itiveness in the midst of distraction spurs her on to faithfulness in the midst of similar moments

  • "We can develop a Christlike tenacity when we walk stride for stride in submission to the Holy Spirit’s leading and prompting."

  • How different things slow us down in our calling: when we are weary, we don't know how to do something, OR we experience rejection

  • When we treat things like a "cute little side hobby"

With the Shepherd website

Spiritual Retreat workbook


PSSSSSST! Did you know that Rebecca's debut book, Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl is available wherever books are sold? If you’re ready to…

  • See your gifts and talents from a gospel-centered perspective.

  • Prioritize goals related to your calling as you move forward with gumption and grace.

  • Maximize your passions in the work you do every day.

  • Actively partner with God to serve Him and love others.

  • Overcome negative thought patterns so you can brainstorm, develop, and create with the confidence of a go-getter girl!

…then order today at the link here!

Each chapter includes prayer prompts, Scripture for further study, questions for reflection, action steps to move your goal forward, and accompanying videos (for individuals or small groups). So grab a friend (or 8) and let’s use God’s Word as our compass to “do the thing”.

After all, if not now…when?


Episode 263. Own the Ordinary with Brittany Estes


Episode 261. The Freedom of a Blank Canvas with Esther Littlefield