Episode 353. Recognizing the Deception of New Thought Philosophy with Melissa Dougherty

In this episode of the Radical Radiance Podcast, Melissa Dougherty discusses her journey to writing her book Happy Lies, exploring the differences between New Thought and New Age beliefs, and the impact of these movements on Christianity. She shares her experiences with self-help literature and the importance of maintaining truth in the face of commercial pressures. The conversation highlights the hidden influences of New Thought and the need for discernment among believers. They discuss the significance of healing within Christianity, the challenges of suffering, and how God's sovereignty plays a crucial role in these conversations.

Melissa Dougherty is a Christian apologist best known for her YouTube channel with over 261,000 subscribers and counting. Her videos, which primarily cover New Age and New Thought, have been viewed over 18 million times. Melissa is highly regarded and connected in the apologetics community. She has had numerous influential guests on her YouTube channel and is a frequent guest on the YouTube videos and podcasts of popular thinkers as well.

Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from Southern Evangelical Seminary, where she’s also pursuing her master’s degree in religious studies. Melissa is married with two daughters and lives in New Mexico.

⁠Happy Lies Book⁠

Rebecca has a brand new book!

The world tells us to hurry up and get what we want. God tells us to rest and trust in His timing. Discover practical ways to place your “meanwhile” season in the hands of a faithful God in Rebecca's new book You're Not Too Late.

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